Примеры употребления для UNLEARN
1. You often find in the course of chess development that you have to unlearn what you have already learned.
2. I chatted with Graham by phone on Tuesday (as it happens, before the polls had closed in Georgia) and Graham suggested that his party needs to unlearn some of the lessons supposedly taught six years ago by his state‘s primary.
3. Now Raj’s men – all ex–sainiks of the Sena’s youth wing – must quickly and obediently unlearn the militant youth activism they practised for years. «This year we’ll ignore Valentine’s Day,» says ex–sainik Tushar Aphale (35) formerly from the Sena’s youth wing in Bandra. «Raj has instructed us not to oppose Valentine’s Day but promote Marathi culture.
4. School–children will have to unlearn the little mnemonics they have been taught (my favourite is My Very Everloving Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pies) and Earth‘s astrologers will be sent into as yet unplumbed depths of confusion, frantically redrawing their charts to take into account the lack of this planet.
5. In the meantime it may need to learn some of the awkward lessons about policing and consent that Britain picked up in the 1'80s and 1''0s, and which some Conservative politicians, in their complaints about police form–filling and political correctness, seem to want to unlearn. david.aaronovitch@thetimes.co.uk